Sales Conditions
Article 1. – Our offers and quotations are only binding for a period of one month from the date they are sent by email or by post.
Article 2. – The price of the project that we have designed or put online is included in the total amount. If the project remains in draft form or is designed or put online by a third party, it will automatically be invoiced at 50% of the price of the design (production) stipulated in our quote.
Article 3. – The copyright for all our creations remains with us and can only be transferred with our written agreement.
Article 4. – The preparations as well as the “high resolution PDF” of a work created and edited by us remain our absolute property. The use of these for commercial purposes, reprinting or other, can only be done with our written agreement.
Article 5. – The client is always deemed to have acquired the reproduction rights of the texts, documents, plans or photos that he gives to be reproduced to RESIZE THE DAY which executes the orders received under the sole and entire responsibility of its clients.
Article 6. – The cancellation of any verbal or written order, prior to execution, will automatically give rise to the payment, by the client, of a penalty calculated on the basis of the prejudice suffered by the company RESIZE THE DAY as a result of the cancellation of the contract. This penalty may in no case be less than 25% of the value of the order. The cancellation of an order during its execution will entail the payment, by the client, of the total value of the order.
Article 7. – RESIZE THE DAY reserves the right to accept or refuse any order.
Article 8. – No delivery time is guaranteed unless it is expressly stipulated as such on the order form. The indication of a deadline is only approximate.
Article 9. – The deadlines only start to run from the day we are in possession of the order form and all the information necessary for the proper execution of the work.
Article 10. – The amount to be paid and the delivery time stated on the quotation or the order form, expressly stipulated as such, are only to be respected by RESIZE THE DAY insofar as the client does not make any changes to the project used as a reference. Any work carried out as a matter of urgency will be subject to a price increase.
Article 11. – Each final document will be followed by a GOOD TO DO that the client will be obliged to sign. This V.A.T. will relieve us of all ambiguities (layout errors, printing errors, etc.) concerning the finished work.
Article 12. – No complaint will be accepted if it is not sent in writing by registered mail to the head office of RESIZE THE DAY (Allées de Provence, 6 – 1140 Brussels) within three days of receiving the order. If the customer fails to take delivery of the order, the three-day period shall commence upon receipt of the delivery note.
Article 13. – Our invoices and fee notes are payable in cash (maximum 8 days, date of invoice). RESIZE THE DAY must stipulate any change in these payment conditions. The payment of invoices and fee notes is without prejudice to previous invoices and fee notes or any outstanding account.
Article 14. – Receipt of our invoices and fee notes by email or by post shall constitute an order form issued by the client.
Article 15. – Any delay in payment will automatically incur interest equal to 2% per month.
Article 16. – In addition to the default interest of 2% per month of delay, the amount of the invoice or the fee note will automatically be increased by 15% in the event of non-payment on the due date and this without prior summons or formal notice. This additional charge, which may not be less than EUR 100, corresponds to the loss of the rolling capital and the administrative costs. This price supplement is not a sanction and shall be applied even in the absence of legal action. It cannot be considered in any way as a sanction for legal action which is a right.
Article 17. – RESIZE THE DAY declines all responsibility for the delivery of works or documents, whatever the means used, in the event of loss, disappearance, deterioration, delays, etc.
Article 18. – In the event of a dispute, only the Commercial Court of Brussels and the Justice of the Peace of our Canton are competent. The issue of a bill of exchange or the receipt of an acceptance does not entail any novation or waiver of compensation, nor does it derogate from the jurisdiction clause.
Article 19. – All orders and/or work carried out are formally accepted under the above “Sales Conditions”. By accepting the offer or the invoice or the fee note, the client expressly accepts our “General Conditions” and waives the right to invoke his own. Any stipulation to the contrary must be expressly mentioned by RESIZE THE DAY on all documents relating to this order.
Article 20. – RESIZE THE DAY will not take into account any complaint concerning our invoices and fees issued beyond the legal deadline of 8 days after receipt of these invoices by ordinary mail or by e-mail. All complaints must be sent to us in writing and by registered mail.